Welcome to Sonoma County Interfaith Public Fast
If the brain and belly are burning clean
with fasting, every moment a new song comes out of the fire…
Be emptier and cry like reed instruments cry. – Rumi
We are a movement of people of faith and conscience responding and bearing witness to the tragedies and threats that face our communities locally, nationally, and globally. We live in a time of polycrisis – gun violence, climate collapse, pandemic, homelessness, threats to democratic institutions. We see these challenges and so often feel helpless to respond.
In many of our faith traditions, community fasting has been a powerful vehicle for reflection, atonement, resistance, and public outcry.
By pulling together in shared spiritual practice and ritual action, we stand as collective witness to the perils of our time. Fasting does not take the place of action in the public arena, but enhances it through shared spiritual intention.
Our goal is to disrupt “business as usual,” take a share in the suffering of the world, connect, and recommit to the safety and sanctity of all beings.
When our ancestors fasted, they fasted from food and water. We envision a much wider range of fasting options including fasting from consumer activities, from carbon consumption, from small talk, and from other activities that distract us away from what is right in front of us. Click here to see many options for fasting activities.
Our first public fast will be on Thursday, March 2nd, from sunup to sundown, in support of the unhoused community of Sonoma County. It will be followed by a community gathering at 5:30 pm at the Life Center, 1335 N. Dutton in Santa Rosa. Find the details by clicking here.
Banner art by Susie Stonefield.