Too often we learn of the sufferings of this world – gun violence, homelessness, pandemic, climate catastrophe – and while moved to respond, find that there is no response available. We might sign a petition or send donations to organizations. But then we return to our daily lives, suppressing the grief that could otherwise lead us to take greater agency in response to tragedy and peril.
Interfaith Public Fast of Sonoma County has therefore committed to engaging in periodic days of fasting, some scheduled and some spontaneous, in order to bring a meaningful interfaith witness to these events and challenges. We plan to use these fast days as times of reflection, study, solidarity, and community building.
We fast for numerous reasons.
Ancient Technology. Fasting is among the ancient spiritual technologies that our faith traditions share. We employ this ancient practice as a way to connect across time with all who have lived in times of peril.
Solidarity. We fast in order to share physically in the suffering around us. In times of great peril or catastrophe, there can be no “business as usual.”
Self-Reflection and Contrition. Fasting is a traditional tool for self-reflection and atonement. And indeed, we might all ask ourselves, “What is my role in all of this? How have I supported the systems in which this particular tragedy or challenge can take place?”
Change of Consciousness. Fasting is also a vehicle for deep spiritual experience. In moments that are free from the distraction of food preparation or screens or driving or idle chatter, what change of consciousness might come about? We invite insight and inspiration into the space that has opened up, and see if we might find ourselves motivated to engage in new ways.